Tag: Fiducient Advisors

Episode 38 – How Nonprofits Should Manage Large Cash Inflows with David Piccerelli

Episode 38 – How Nonprofits Should Manage Large Cash Inflows with David Piccerelli

There may come a time when your nonprofit experiences a large inflow of cash. For some organizations, this happens when they’re not expecting it at all!

In this episode, Bob DiMeo and Devon Francis speak with David Piccerelli, president at WSBE Rhode Island PBS and a client of Fiducient Advisors, who has experience in managing an endowment that went from zero to $80 million overnight.

You will learn:

  • The first step you should take before investing your newfound wealth
  • How to have an investment committee and an asset allocation strategy prepared in advance
  • Potential impact of large cash inflows on your organization’s operations
  • How Rhode Island PBS built a roadmap for its strategic vision
  • And more!

Tune in to learn how you can effectively manage and invest your newfound wealth!

Resources: Email the Stewards | Fiducient Advisors | Bob DiMeo | Devon Francis | David Piccerelli on LinkedIn | Rhode Island PBS | Our Research and Insights | Our Blog | Our Podcast

About Our Guest:

David Piccerelli is the president of WSBE Rhode Island PBS, a role that he assumed in 2010 after having served as PBS’ vice-president and chief financial officer. David has overseen some very impressive projects and endeavors during his tenure with Rhode Island PBS, including shepherding the station’s complex multimillion dollar conversion from analog to digital broadcasting in 2009 and moving from state ownership to becoming an independent community licensee in 2012. David holds a BS in accounting from Bryant University and serves on a number of professional public broadcasting committees and associations. He is a member of the board of Providence Business Loan Fund and is an avid golfer and a food and wine enthusiast.

Episode 37 – Predictions for 2022 That Can Affect Your Investment Portfolio with Bob Doll

Episode 37 – Predictions for 2022 That Can Affect Your Investment Portfolio with Bob Doll

Inflation, interest rates, upcoming midterm elections… There are so many variables that can impact your nonprofit’s investment portfolio in 2022.

In this episode, Bob DiMeo and Devon Francis speak with Bob Doll, CFA, chief investment officer at Crossmark Global Investments, Inc. Bob Doll makes calculated predictions and forecasts on what will drive U.S. equity markets and the global economy.

You will learn:

  • Why endowments and foundations might expect stocks to earn half as much going forward
  • Expected trends in inflation and interest rates
  • How you can be strategic with your asset allocation (sector-wise and geographically)
  • Why cyclical, value, and small stocks may outperform defensive, growth, and large stocks
  • The challenging environment for bonds
  • The potential impact of upcoming Congressional elections on financial markets
  • And more!

Tune in to learn what you can expect from the financial markets in 2022 and beyond!

Resources: Email the Stewards | Fiducient Advisors | Bob DiMeo | Devon Francis | 2022 Return Expectations Webinar | Bob Doll on LinkedIn | Crossmark Global Investments | 10 Predictions for 2022: Tug of War Between Earnings Tailwinds and Valuation Headwinds | Inflation, the Fed, Correction; Oh My!

About Our Guest:

Bob Doll joined Crossmark in May 2021 as Chief Investment Officer (CIO), bringing over 40 years of industry experience to guide the investment process and serve as portfolio manager for multiple Crossmark large-cap strategies. He also utilizes his investment expertise to provide weekly and quarterly investment commentaries, as well as annual market predictions. Bob is a regular guest and contributor to multiple media outlets such as CNBC, Bloomberg TV, Moneywise, and Fox Business News. Prior to arriving at Crossmark, he held the roles of Senior Portfolio Manager and Chief Equity Strategist at Nuveen and Blackrock, President and Chief Investment Officer at Merrill Lynch Investment Managers, and Chief Investment Officer at Oppenheimer Funds, Inc.

Episode 36 – Amplify Your Impact Through Strategic Philanthropy with Caren Yanis

Episode 36 – Amplify Your Impact Through Strategic Philanthropy with Caren Yanis

When you’re strategic with your philanthropy and strive for efficiency within your organization, you can do more good with less money.

In this episode, Bob DiMeo and Devon Francis speak with Caren Yanis, principal at Croland Consulting, LLC, and a philanthropic advisor to families and businesses. Caren shares actionable insights and best practices for today’s nonprofits, family foundations, and endowments.

You will learn:

  • Current opportunities and challenges for philanthropists and charitable organizations
  • How to ensure strong governance, even when there are few rules to hold boards accountable
  • How to align your organization’s philanthropic practices with your values
  • Key points that every investment committee should keep in mind
  • And more!

Tune in to learn how you can amplify your impact through strategic philanthropy!

Resources: Email the Stewards | Fiducient Advisors | Bob DiMeo | Devon Francis | 2022 Return Expectations Webinar | Caren Croland Yanis on LinkedIn | Oprah Winfrey Charitable Foundation | Poetry Foundation | Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) | Foundation Financial Officers Group (FFOG) | Episode 22 – Achieving Your Charitable Mission Through Private Foundat ions — With Adam Newell | Fiducient Capital Market Assumptions 

About Our Guest:

Caren Croland Yanis is the principal of Croland Consulting, a philanthropic consulting firm focused on helping high-net-worth families give well. As executive director of the Oprah Winfrey Foundations in the 2000s, Ms. Yanis helped Ms. Winfrey build her public and private philanthropy and went on to become president of Crown Family Philanthropies in Chicago. She is a board member of the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University, a member of the Women’s Philanthropy Institute, a member of the Illinois Attorney General’s Charitable Advisory Council, and a board member of Friends of the Children.

Episode 35 – The Current Investment Environment: Where Do We Stand? Where Are We Headed? with Matt Rice

Episode 35 – The Current Investment Environment: Where Do We Stand? Where Are We Headed? with Matt Rice

Are stocks overpriced and about to tank? How will rising inflation impact your portfolio? How might the pandemic continue to impact the economy?

Find the answers to these questions in this episode, as Bob DiMeo and Devon Francis interview Matt Rice, Chief Investment Officer at Fiducient Advisors. They discuss key market trends from 2021 (stocks, bonds, and alternative investments) and what you can expect in 2022 and beyond.

You will learn:

  • The major asset classes that outperformed and what might to expect now
  • The outlook for all asset classes, considering rising inflation and the pandemic
  • Striving for better risk-adjusted investment return during uncertain times
  • The importance of diversification and long-term planning
  • And more!

Tune in to hear Matt Rice’s expert insights on the current investment environment!

Resources: Email the Stewards | Fiducient Advisors | Bob DiMeo | Devon Francis | Matthew Rice

About Our Guest:

Matt joined Fiducient Advisors in 2001. As Fiducient Advisors’ Chief Investment Officer, Matt leads the firm’s investment strategy and research efforts. He also advises a number of the firm’s nonprofit and corporate clients. Matt is a member of the firm’s Executive Committee, Research Forum, Investment Committee, Discretionary Committee and Capital Markets Committee. Matt has co-authored two books, including Nonprofit Asset Management (John Wiley & Sons), which was published in 2012 and The Practical Guide to Managing Nonprofit Assets (John Wiley & Sons), published in 2005. Matt is a CFA® charterholder and member of the CFA Society Chicago and a Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA®). Matt received a BA in Economics from Northwestern University, where he also played on the 1995 and 1996 Big Ten championship football teams. Matt now leads an easier lifestyle chasing after his two young children.

Episode 34 – Investment Insights From a Global Religious Congregation with Jim Thomas

Episode 34 – Investment Insights From a Global Religious Congregation with Jim Thomas

Today, we have Jim Thomas, the CFO of the Clerics of Saint Viator, share timely investment insights for nonprofit investment leaders!

The Clerics of Saint Viator is an international Roman Catholic religious congregation.

In this episode, Bob DiMeo and Devon Francis interview Jim about his experience in managing finances for a religious order. They also dive into several best practices for effective investment portfolio management that are relevant in today’s complex financial landscape.

You will learn:

  • The concept of perpetuity and how to prepare your portfolio for long-term success
  • How to rebalance your portfolio and ensure consistent asset allocation
  • Ways to ensure a more accurate screening of your portfolio for mission-aligned investing
  • Reasons to maintain a continuous dialogue with your organization’s stakeholders
  • And more!

Tune in to discover investment best practices that can help you emulate the success of the Clerics of Saint Viator!

Resources: Email the Stewards | Fiducient Advisors | Bob DiMeo | Devon Francis | The Clerics of Saint Viator

About Our Guest:

Jim Thomas is CFO of the Clerics of St. Viator, an international Roman Catholic religious congregation headquartered just outside of Chicago. The Order has a vast footprint with numerous churches and schools throughout Illinois, other parts of the U.S., South America and beyond. Jim holds an MBA from Northwestern and  degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University. Prior to joining the order, Jim served in numerous roles in the for-profit world including being COO of an aerospace/defense company, president of a consumer products company and a change agent at other organizations.

Episode 33 – Future Outlook on Equity Markets (2021 Year-end Updates) with David Bianco

Episode 33 – Future Outlook on Equity Markets (2021 Year-end Updates) with David Bianco

As the calendar flips to a new year, are you curious about what to expect from equity markets — both in the USA and globally?

In this episode, Bob DiMeo and Devon Francis are joined by David Bianco, CFA, chief investment officer for the Americas at the DWS Group. As one of Wall Street’s best known strategists, David shares timely insights on the current state of equity markets, along with portfolio management tips for 2022 and beyond.

You will learn:

  • The primary reason behind high current valuations
  • How to guard your nonprofit’s investment portfolio against future inflation risk
  • Why ESG investing is here to stay
  • Key market trends and returns since the beginning of COVID-19
  • And more!

Tune in to discover what you can expect from the equity markets moving forward!

Resources: Email the Stewards | Fiducient Advisors | Bob DiMeo | Devon Francis | The DWS Group | David Bianco, Americas CIO

About Our Guest:

David Bianco, CFA, is the chief investment officer for the Americas at the DWS Group. David is a sought-after Wall Street strategist who publishes his own research, which appears in many publications and media outlets, including CNBC. With more than 20 years of investment research experience and a decade of experience as an equity strategist, David has held the position of Head US Equity Strategist for Bank of America Merrill Lynch Investment Research and Global Wealth Management. Before BofA, he spent seven years at UBS and five years at Financial Account Standards Board’s Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Council.

Episode 32 – Become a Confident Leader with Dr. Karyn Gordon

Episode 32 – Become a Confident Leader with Dr. Karyn Gordon

Dr. Karyn Gordon has rightly said, “Great leaders drive communication, performance, and engagement.”

But how can you become a great leader at your nonprofit organization?

In this episode, Bob DiMeo and Devon Francis are joined by Dr. Karyn Gordon to answer this question. Dr. Karyn is the CEO of DK Leadership, a leadership and relationship expert, and a sought-after media personality. They reveal the skills required to become a confident leader and lead your nonprofit to success.

You will learn:

  • The importance of finding your purpose –– both for organizations and individuals
  • The three types of leaders: insecure, arrogant, and confident
  • Effective conflict resolution tips for investment committees 
  • How to improve your organization’s team dynamics by mastering five EQ skills
  • And more!

Tune in to learn how to become a confident nonprofit leader!

Resources: Email the Stewards | Fiducient Advisors | Bob DiMeo | Devon Francis | Dr. Karyn Gordon on LinkedIn | DK Leadership | “The Three Chairs: How Great Leaders Drive Communication, Performance, and Engagement” by Dr. Karyn Gordon | “Start With Why” by Simon Sinek | “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable” by Patrick Lencioni | “The Ideal Team Player: How to Recognize and Cultivate The Three Essential Virtues” by Patrick Lencioni | The Next Chapter in the Active versus Passive Debate

About Our Guest:

Dr. Karyn Gordon is the CEO of DK Leadership, a leadership & relationship expert, entrepreneur, dynamic speaker, executive and family coach, TV personality (Good Morning America | USA and Cityline | Canada) and author of “The Three Chairs: How Great Leaders Drive Communication, Performance & Engagement.” In 2021, Dr. Karyn was nominated for the 29th annual RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneur Award.

Episode 31 – Behind the Scenes of a Successful Foundation with Jay Ruderman

Episode 31 – Behind the Scenes of a Successful Foundation with Jay Ruderman

Are you looking for proven strategies to help your foundation thrive?

In this episode, Bob DiMeo and Devon Francis speak with Jay Ruderman, president of the Ruderman Family Foundation. Jay reveals principles that have guided the Ruderman Family Foundation in making prudent management, investment, and strategic decisions, and explains how other foundations can emulate their success.

You will learn:

  • Why nonprofits should focus on both advocacy and funding to amplify their impact
  • An unconventional way to look at ESG investing that leads to “double impact”
  • How to identify unique charitable opportunities and avoid replication
  • And more!

Tune in to learn how you can lead your foundation to success!

Resources: Email the Stewards | Fiducient Advisors | Bob DiMeo | Devon Francis | Jay Ruderman on LinkedIn | Ruderman Family Foundation | All Inclusive With Jay Ruderman (Podcast) | How To Make Your Investment Committee More Effective

About Our Guest:

Jay Ruderman is the President of the Ruderman Family Foundation, which focuses on the inclusion of people with disabilities worldwide and educating Israeli leaders on the American Jewish community. He also has served on the Board of Directors of the Jewish Funders Network and is a member of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Executive Committee. In the fall of 2001, Jay became Deputy Director of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in New England. In 2005, Mr. Ruderman enlisted in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), and became the liaison between the IDF and Diaspora Jewry. After his service in the IDF, he returned to AIPAC as the Leadership Director for AIPAC in Israel.


Episode 30 – One Year Anniversary Special

Episode 30 – One Year Anniversary Special

It’s been a year since Nonprofit Investment Stewards was launched!

A big thank you to all our wonderful listeners and guests who have been a part of this journey.

In this special episode, Bob DiMeo and Devon Francis take a trip down the memory lane, highlighting some of their most memorable episodes. Then, they move on to share five invaluable – and timely – tips for nonprofit investment committees and other stakeholders who oversee endowments and foundations.

You will learn:

  • Key takeaways from some of our most-downloaded episodes
  • Many investment, governance and cost saving strategies to advance your nonprofit’s mission
  • How investment committees can think about lower expected returns
  • Bob’s and Devon’s favorite moments from the podcasting journey
  • And more!

Tune in to revisit some of our best episodes, as well as gain fresh insights on how to make your nonprofit thrive!

Resources: Email the Stewards | Fiducient Advisors | Bob DiMeo | Devon Francis | Endowment Investment Considerations for Today’s Market — With Brad Long | Your Guide to Endowment Spending Policy – With Devon Francis | How Nonprofit Leaders Can Overcome Today’s Challenges – with Dennis Morrone | Effective Investment Strategies for Healthcare Systems — With Russ Gronewold | 10 Habits of Effective Investment Committees | How the 2020 Elections Could Impact Nonprofit Investors — With Frank Kelly


Episode 29 – Nonprofits and Private Equity — With Matt Kaminski

Episode 29 – Nonprofits and Private Equity — With Matt Kaminski

With public equity markets reaching all-time highs in 2021, many investment committees are concerned about future returns.

Consequently, they are exploring or adding allocations to alternative investments, such as private equity.

In this episode, Bob DiMeo and Devon Francis speak with Matt Kaminski, partner and research director at Fiducient Advisors, who directs the firm’s Global Private Markets Group. Matt shares valuable insights to how nonprofit organizations can make private equity investments an integral part of their portfolio.

You will learn:

  • Key updates on private equity markets (past performance and future considerations)
  • Factors a nonprofit must consider when investing in PE
  • The potential benefits and pitfalls of private equity investments in today’s markets
  • Why private equity may not only be right for large endowments or foundations
  • And more!

Tune in to learn strategies for effectively investing in private equity markets!

Resources: Email the Stewards | Fiducient Advisors | Bob DiMeo | Devon Francis | LinkedIn: Matt Kaminski | Matt Kaminski | Private Markets Updates: Growth and New Highs

About Our Guest:

As Partner and Research Director, Matt Kaminski directs Fiducient Advisors’ Global Private Markets Group, overseeing investment research and due diligence efforts. He is also a member of the firm’s Investment Committee, Research Forum, and Trustee-Direct Discretionary Committee. Matt joined Fiduciary Investment Advisors, LLC in 2009, which combined with Fiducient Advisors in 2020. Prior to joining the firm, he was an Investment Analyst and member of the Consultant Relations team at Fidelity Investments. Matt received a BSBA from Stonehill College, is a CFA® charterholder, and a member of the CFA Institute and the Hartford CFA Society. With his free time, Matt is on the Finance & Audit Committee for Foodshare, Inc. (a nonprofit anti-hunger organization in the greater Hartford area). His personal interests include fishing and biking.